Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lab#1: 3Maps

This is the most intricate map I have seen. It is the Tokyo Subway Route Map. I was able to retrieve the map from which is a website providing layouts of subway systems around the world. I have never been to Tokyo but I would like to visit that region of the World at some point in my life. Hopefully sooner than later. With such a dense population however, they are largely dependant on the subway. This also affects the cultural interaction of their society. In places like LA people like to drive because the highways allow for it. With such a large city, I can only imagine what the transportation is like.

This is the Metro Subway System Map for the city of Los Angeles. I was able to get the image from the Metro Website which I use often: I grew up in the East Side of Los Angeles where we do not really have rails. The main mode of transportation in the LA area is by bus. Since the city has an abundance of freeway, it is much easier for buses to take the highway than install railways throughout the city. Looking at the map there are 5 subway rail lines that run throughout the larger LA area. Expansion on the map also shows the expansion of the Gold Line which is most pertinent to me living East of Los Angeles. Commuting in LA for me has been difficult without a car. While I do not like the bus per say, the subway system does not provide a better alternative because it is too limited in acccesibility.

This map here illustrates the different subway lines in the London Subway System. In comparison to the Los Angeles subway system, this is vastly superior. London is largely dependant on their subway system and rightfully so. The lines are efficient and precise. I remember several years ago while studying abroad, I had to quickly become familiar with the system in London. Coming from Los Angeles where we are not heavily dependent on subways for mass transit, I quickly got lost. My sense of direction was completely tuned off. Since the subway is subterraneous, I could not even begin to conceive my sense of direction. My placement was off and subsequently I lacked direction. The Rail system in London can basically get you anywhere in the city over and under the rivers too. I liked that very much, in addition to the everplaying motto "please mind the rail".


  1. I aligned the maps to the "enter" option. I think the "left" option would be better for next time. Sorry.

  2. Great descriptions (though the 2nd map wouldn't show up).
    On if you could specify the reference of each map, e.g. the complete web linkage.
    Grade: 9.5
